



Re: HELENish


Her Last Dream of Morn/ Satellites Stallions and Black Mares

Night Clouds Embolden/ Building Blacken Violet/ Stronger/ Strange

Prowess/Powers Rally Arena/ Suitors Checking/ Twice Collected/Crossed:-


Once Upon Her Time/ There was a Whole Wide World Harmony/ a Valley Dream Twin

Castles/Style in Towers/Palaces/ Aqua Deeparture: La Mer on a Shore/ [Z Count/Prince]

One Lord (AMNn)/ Mermaiden/ Princesses/ Pawns/ The Jester Beast King…All Standing


His Royal Court Cheer,


“Ye!  A Toast To Brilliant/Decadence…”


Lifted SET/ too Sip from Golden Goblets/ [Actually, Craftily Spray-

Painted/Rusted Tin Cups]/ Three (3) Parts Filled/ Spoiled Blood-Red

Nectar/ Dark Red Juice/ Spritzed Fresh whilst on the Vine/ Rotten like

A Rose Red as of the Wine/ Picked from a Purple Flowering Wise Tree

ReProducing Treats/ Sweet Plump Purple Fruit/ Wormy Maggots Wriggle


They Drink…/ ReVeal:-


Resolution Reverse Composite versus ReIntroduction Halo Wed

Heat and Heartfelt Plan/ Project Terrific Perfect Declarations Left-sided

Tock Brown/Orange Leaves Fall/ Brass Bare Feet, Trod upon Sandy Golden-

White Crystal Pearls, Salty Foam Forms, Farms, Animals and Fields/ To Glass

Shattered to Dust and Splinters/ Unreal?/ Attached 2 Like a Monstrosity/ A Kat

With 7 Lives/ 6 Horns/ Three Eyes/ A Forked Pitched Tongue/ One Million Crooked

Jagged Teeth/ o’ Nine Tales like a Tail/ Skin Slimy as a Snail/ Leaving its Trail Behind


This is your choice when The Waters plus Air Over Earth Ignites Fire/ Passion/ An Eros

Lover/ mixed with Seed Lord’s Magic s Miracles called Babes or Baby Angels/ US Orphaned

Abducted/ Grafted/Grounded Private/RedEarth Gun Toting Soldiers/ “ Fire! ”/ Live Rounds…


[Swallow]/ Autumnal like/ As a Cancerous Tumour/ Heading Towards Healing/Harvest

Awake/ [Absorb] versus Flight Destination Agenda Coat Hanger/ Context Surrounded


Trumpet-Annunciate/ Herald/ Line/ Craft

Hand Smouldered/ Enamoured/ Moulded








[Review previous columns…] “ Poesy is imagined, set forth and fine crafted, for recitation


Your verse MUSE this nu week: ‘ HELENish , based on the artists’ first abstracted/drafted

impression, written subsequent to reading the complete verse & text of King James’ Version

of The Holy Bible, from the Apocalyptic Book of Revelation on the unLucky mourn of 11/9.


Bahama Recording & Literary Artist - MMV Copyright S.G.Stuart - www.nubah.com

AD LUX Multimedia Marketing Management - THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS

Kindly, forward your muse/introspection of the verse to E: jongkanu@yahoo.com




*Support The Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel

The  Shapes  of  Our  Union  lies  in  Her/His  Hands…